Program: 2016 - 2017


CDF is designates as an Approved Pace Program Provider by the Academy of General dentistry. The formal continuing dental continuing program of this provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by the state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 5/1/2011 – 4/30/2015 Provider ID3 217627

August 23, 2016 (Tuesday)

Kick Off Dinner

Review the 2015-2-16 Program

Location:        Topaz Restaurant

Burr Ridge, IL

Host:               Ian Elliott

Time:              6:30-9:00

CE Credits:     2.5


September 20, 2016 (Tuesday)

                        Clinical Session 1

Great Expectations: A clinical reality, a myth, or both

Objects:           Through comprehensive clinical evaluation and patient communication expectations and clinical excellence be achieved

Lit review:      Doug Palmer


Presenter:      Kaz

Host:               Ian Elliot DDS

Time:              Program: 6:30-9-30

                        Appetizers and refreshments will be served

CE Credits:    3.0


October 18, 2016 (Tuesday)

Clinical Session 2:  CASE FLIXS

Objectives:      Treating teeth with severe wear, deep overbite and retro-inclined maxillary anterior teeth

Moderator:    Gabriella

Host:               Franz Weyandt

Time:              6:30 -9:30

                        Appetizers and refreshments will be served

           CE Credits: 3.0


 TENATIVE DATE: November 11, 2016 (Friday)


            DR. NADER SHARIFI

                           CE Credit: 6


January 10, 2017 (Tuesday)

                         Clinical Session 3

Team Challenge

Objectives:      Teams will face challenges in diagnosis, treatment planning and materials

Moderator:    To be determined

Host:               CDF Study Club

Location:        To be determined

Time:              Program: 6:30-9:30

                        Appetizers and refreshments will be served

CE Credits: 3 


February 7, 2017 (Tuesday)

                        Dogs XIII: The good, the bad, and the ugly…No way, its just ugly!

                                    Objectives:      To share some of our less than ideal cases

Presenters:    Everyone needs to bring a dog!

                                    Host:               Ian Elliott

Location         Topaz Café

                        780 Village Center Dr

                        Burr Ridge, IL

                        Phone: 630-654-1616

Time:              6:30 to?????

                        CE Credits: 3.5


March 14, 2017 (Tuesday)         

Clinical Session 4:

            DR. DERANGO; Hands on


            Host:              Mark

            Location:       Bolingbrook Golf Club

Time:             Program: 6:00-9:30

                        Appetizers and refreshments will be served

 CE Credit: 3.5



TENATIVE April 21, 2017 (Friday)

                        DR. ROBERT MARGEAS


Host:               CDF

Location:        Bolingbrook Golf Club

Attendees:      Dr. only

Time:              8:30-9:00       Continental breakfast

                        9:00-12:00     Program

                        12:00-1:00     Lunch            

                        1:00-4:00       Program

CE Credit: 6



May 16, 2017 (Tuesday)

                        Clinical Session 5               

Ultimate Team Challenge: Treatment Planning Wars         

Objectives:      Develop collaboration skills to enhance patient


Moderator:    Ian Elliott       

Host:               Doug Palmer

Location:        1991 Wiesbrook Road

Oswego, IL 60543

Time:             Program: 6:30-9:30

                        Appetizers and refreshments will be served

CE Credit: 3


Total CE hours for 2016-2017:  33.5